
Destruction Complete

The whole thing took between three and four hours to accomplish. (I had imagined something closer to an hour before I started to tackle things like spots where shoulders meet the neck and woven ends muddled things immeasurably.) Now a bit of a de-kinking is in order...

'Off to the bath we go!

Thanks for dropping by!


Brendaknits said...

I am famous for underestimating the time it takes me to - anything! I am always behind.

Needles said...

It looks like the yarn came through just fine. I can't wait to see what warm snuggly thing it will be.

Anonymous said...

I wish you could teach me how to do this properly! Look at my last attempt:
My pieces came out in 1-foot lengths. I know I'm doing something horribly wrong in trying to frog...

Rue said...

Now that you've posted a close-up of the yarn, I see exactly why you wanted to frog. It's lovely! What will you do with it?

And I'm with you on seriously underestimating the amount of time it take to do things. Note to self- adding a pattern to Ravelry takes closer to an hour than the 5 minutes I had hoped to spend.