

As of late yesterday, about a month after the troubles started Hudson's "issues" have been conclusively diagnosed. Its nothing life threatening, just messy for me and irritating for him. He's on another medication for a few days then in a month or so will have more tests to see if its been effective...bla bla bla - not very interesting but the month long saga's been distracting/time consuming and sleep depriving.

Yet I must admit I feel like I've had the most wonderful winter. Yes its been bitterly cold but at the same time marked by cozy evenings, fantastic food (and wine!), fun activities in the city and movement on some longstanding goals for projects in the house.

This morning though, my monogamy with the lovely Angora/Merino mittens is turning into a feeling of "enough already and time to get on with things!".

And I'm aware "things" beyond knitting are piling up too. Some of my winter initiatives have yet to be completed as the snow rapidly recedes, cottage and gardening loom and spring "stuff" needs to be planned/resources marshalled.

Having the clocks "spring forward" last weekend and our long lingering Arctic air mass finally move off has aroused me from my winter "mode". It is time to change gears and I've a weekend entirely free of commitments in which to begin.

Anyone else hear that starter's pistol that just went off?


  1. Marie- What I do hear beckoning is the rake and shovel from the garden shed.

  2. Oh no....Hudson's been sick? What's wrong? I'm happy to hear it's not life threatening.

  3. I didn't hear it -- until now. Time to start planning. Love the phrase "resources marshalled!"

  4. Three hours since I posted and saw Lorraine's comment. I took her cue and I've got a slew of pruning done while standing in clean, firm snow. Thanks Lorraine!

  5. I really need spring. Bring on those flowering trees!
    The snowbanks are melting but I need some green plants.
    Kudos to you for starting the garden clean-up so early.

  6. Most people rave about the delights of spring. But for me I see dirty windows, dust and work to be done instead of the marathon knitting and TV watching winter allowed.

  7. I see all the things that didn't happen in the winter. But that is ok. When I picture myself making my quilt, I always see myself sitting on the deck in the sun, coffee at hand, stitching on it. So I obviously plan to do it in summer.


What do you think?