I have started a post each day this week. 'Easy to do really - 'lots of juicy knitterly (k)news!. In shorter supply - time to get any finished and posted. So here - condensed and en masse...
- Glenna C. posted a little report on the DCK Fashion show from last week on her blog here. (A bigger collection of photos will shortly appear on the Twist Collective Blog.)
- As a thank you from the Twist Collective for helping with the show they generously gave each model their choice of any pattern from their vast array - for free! We just have to pick one! Harder than it seems - how do you pick just one?!
- On my way out of the show last week a very kind friend gave me a copy of a book on the history of Gansey sweaters...she had two! How great is that? I've read it now - not only interesting but the booklet also features references to the ancestral home of my father's Scottish Clan!
- And speaking Ganseys - I finally took the couple of hours I suspected it would take to properly block my Guernsey Wrap. It was worth the effort - I'll have an FO post next week for sure.
- The Shepherd and Shearer patterns are out and the yarn should be arriving late next week/early the week after right here in my mailbox! I'll be making the pullover - the one called the "Shearer". (Rav link to both here) those who originally purchased a package back at the beginning have the opportunity to download the e-book for free, which I have done. Can't wait to get started!
- Our monthly craft group gathering was on Monday. I made (Scottish Current Slices) For a variety of reasons the assembled crafters numbered less than half the usual 20 or so - hence I had the biggest show and tell that night and the biggest ever quantity of baked leftovers to bring home.
- Our trip to DC was last weekend. I'd have fun watching paint harden with My Beloved so no surprise we had a great time. Surprising though was....
DC is a "Foodie" paradise...organic, local, imaginative and most importantly delicious! Without looking we stumbled into 3 Zagat rated restaurants - one, pictured above, was in the Smithsonian's "American Indian Museum". (Hasn't the term "Indian" been dropped for everyone other than people born in India? Might be time to rename that place - just don't change the food!)
While TV news makes it seem the Capital is loaded with old, unimaginative dolts bent on keeping the country stalled or at best in neutral, the streets, shops and homes around the Capital and Georgetown are actually populated with largely young, fit, seemingly bright people....more like what the nation would seem to deserve...what gives there?
The best surprise of all though was that the windows in our hotel room opened! So Sunday afternoon, with our bags packed and waiting to head to the airport I got some knitting time in as a beautiful breeze wafted past the curtains! It was a great way to finish up a great weekend.
And just like that, here comes another one! Enjoy! And thanks for dropping by!