
I Refuse to Consider Such a Thing at this Time!

Here I am in Canada as the first long weekend of our summer season begins. We look really forward to summer here in Canada. Summer weather is a very nice change from even a winter the weatherman characterizes as "mild" and its brief to say the least - maybe a couple of reliably hot months with a month or so either side of that better described as being "warm".

So technically, as this weekend marks what we think of as the start of the summer season (really when the "warm" can be relied upon to the degree that no further frost is expected!) and I plan to cast on my first cotton project of summer 2010 imagine my disgust and revulsion when I opened my email to find an "Early Fall Preview" from Vogue Knitting.

What!?! Ewwwww! That is a fully disgusting thought! Delete! Delete! Delete!

It is the first time I can honestly say a knitting related message came into my mailbox that made me shudder and turn away,

Sorry VK, nice gesture but not for this Northern Knitter, not in May, Nope.


Anne Campbell said...

OK, I see where you're coming from. I'm in Michigan, so it's not all that different.

We are indeed starting summery weather - it's supposed to be in the 80s most of next week.

Stephanie said...

What? Fall clothes? Nooooooooooo way. I'm working on a big heavy pullover myself and I just want to think about spring cardigans and warm-weather clothes... which, before living in Minnesota (also a cold place) I never thought was necessary. But spring here is colder than I'm used to. So I'm with you - not at all ready to look at fall stuff again already, ugh! (With the exception of my sweater in progress, which can take as much time as it needs!)

Lorraine said...

I'm the opposite- I love cool, crisp, weather and snow- and look forward to it all summer.

I've never been much of a heat/sun person.

I guess I'll go look at the preview.

Sandra said...

agreed. I don't care if it will take me the summer to knit for fall, I don't want to see fall knitting in May!