
That's More Like It!

Satisfaction at last! After weeks of half hearted dabbling with the needles, finally I'm feeling a bit of my more usual enthusiasm...
I hope I never tire of the magical way a heel turns once a nice thick slipped stitch heel flap is worked, the little side nubs neatly pierced as the stitches are picked up for the gusset and then the tidy little lines of the gusset making the turn towards the toe. 
Finally, the ribs are running straight - even on my slightly bulgy foot - just as ribs should do.The toe has but moments more knitting before grafting can commence...
The silvery grey colour is muted and easy on the eyes while the occasional shots of robin's egg blue give a solid nod to the "retro" in the rib of this design.

As Aline would say "le sigh!"

1 comment:

Acorn to Oak said...

Very nice socks! I like the pattern and the color!